Albuhaira Insurance Broker DMCC provides the risk mitigation expertise needed by financial institutions to take care of their teeming operational, regulatory, and societal liabilities. Be it an allegation of fraud or a potential M&A transaction, we empower our clients to make informed decisions and move forward without fear.
The financial services advisory teams of Albuhaira Insurance Broker DMCC are capable of determining where theft or fraud affects your organization, and where internal controls may be falling apart. We deliver investigations that identify wrongdoers and empower our clients to curtail losses and maintain trust with regulators, shareholders and their own clients.
Due Diligence
Over the past decades, Albuhaira Insurance Broker DMCC has evolved from a a small-scale investigative firm to an internationally acclaimed technology-enabled investigative, consultative insurance company.
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With our wealth of knowledge and experience, we at Albuhaira Insurance Broker DMCC can help your organization to assess and ascertain the integrity of your business associates, supply chain risks and quality of financial information. We have advised on numerous corruption investigations and can help your institution take the first step towards instituting a risk-based compliance program by determining which third parties present the greatest threat to your company.
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Cyber Security
We offer customized investigative assessments and solutions to ensure that your organization has the right policy to mitigate the effects of any potential breach or threat. In the event of a breach or threat, Albuhaira Insurance Broker DMCC's experts not only provides you with cyber security but also provides you with cyber resilience which enables you to recover from and respond to cyber attacks.
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Security Risk Management
Financial institutions face a lot of threats and risks and this makes security one of the most critical and sensitive issues in the planning and design of a facility. We provide physical security planning, system design and implementation, security master planning and threat assessments.